Along with writing, I have experience with video packages, podcasting, layout design, and photography.
This is the first video where I did everything: the filming, storyline, interviews, and editing. For that reason, it's one of my favorites. I loved filming the B-Roll all week and conducting interviews with the people behind one of my favorite brands!
“I'm a review. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your work. Share a bit of critical acclaim and spur some excitement for your latest project.”
For this video, I learned how to set up shots for video packages and how to write a script. While Anya Gruner did the voice over and edited the video, I conducted the interviews and filmed footage. We worked with Samantha Gitlin to structure the script and create a cohesive storyline.
“I'm a review. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your work. Share a bit of critical acclaim and spur some excitement for your latest project.”
I set out with Anya Gruener, a fellow staffer, to create a video package together, making sure to include a variety of different angles and shots as well as high quality audio and interviews. The editing was done by Anya while I wrote the script and shot the majority of the footage and we both conducted the interviews together.
This is one of my favorite episodes from a holiday special I hosted with Valeria Bigott called "12 Days of Podcasts". I interviewed Dr. Keitha Burnett, Gulliver Prep's Black Student Union sponsor, about what Kwanzaa is, the holiday's cultural significance, and how she celebrates it. Valeria and I then edited the episode together.
Right as senior year began, I was excited to bring what I learned at UM back to my newspaper. Alongside my partner Valeria Bigott, I produced this podcast about the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes where we interviewed a writer and actor. While our first podcast only had three voices, this one had four, which presented an unforeseen challenge when building a cohesive storyline. Time was of the essence as either union could strike a deal with the AMPTP at any moment!
The summer before senior year, I took a week-long podcasting intensive at the University of Miami where my partner and I produced this podcast. I learned how to tell an engaging story using only audio and also learned valuable interviewing strategies. In the process of recording audio and editing sound, I became familiar with Adobe Audition.
"A Brief History of Pockets" was my first-ever podcast. While I didn't edit or produce this one, I served as a guest host and conducted research to co-write the script.
Layout Design and Photography

A spread I created for "Reflections" Literary and Arts Magazine using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop.

"Cats of the World"
"Excellent" in FSPA Spring 2023 Competition
This picture is a part of a greater collection of feline pictures taken throughout the cities of Morocco.